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Can pregnancy occur -

How to use condom properly?

Safer sex guidelines

34-yr US female asks:

After a man withdraws and then ejaculates is it possible for his chick to get pregnant if he puts his penis in after that?

Because, semen keeps coming drop by drop for some time after ejaculation. And for several hours thereafter, there will be some residual semen deep inside his penis.


Can pregnancy occur even if Copper-T device is present?

My wife is having Copper-T and every month she gets her period in 1st week of the month and today it is 12 days past the regular date. I have tested for pregnancy and it came negative, but still we are worried since we do not want children now and we have already have one son. In the place where we live abortion is not allowed. The last time it happened, we had to go all the way to India to get an abortion done. If this has to happen again please image my plight. Could you advice us what to do? Your reply will be highly appreciated.

Copper-T devices have negligible failures, if fitted properly. In your wife’s case it could be just another missed period. If the pregnancy test done was based on a reliable kit and technique, you need not worry. In about a few days she should menstruate normally. If you are not sure of the test kit employed, go for Pregcolor® or better still, an ELISA based kit. Once pregnancy is ruled out, rest assured and wait for the periods to start.

Can I get pregnant when I have sex and 
I am on my period? 

Usually not. But watch out! Occasionally bleeding occurs at the middle of the cycle coinciding with the release of egg. And many women mistake it for a regular menstrual period. They run the risk of unwanted pregnancy if they participate in unprotected sexual intercourse around that day. 

Family planning expert Prof. Guillebaud from London says: 'Intercourse can be fertile almost any time during the menstrual cycle, not excluding during the menses, if the sperm survives for up to 7 days and ovulation occurs early..'

Does underwear protect from pregnancy?

I was just wondering if I mess around with someone and we both have underwear on and the guy cums, can I get pregnant that way?

It is possible, if this event occurred around your ovulation day, because 
the pores within the undergarments are too big to prevent the entry 
of spermatozoa. The latter are too smart to stay idle. They swim 
across and reach the vaginal opening easily. Of course, the chances 
of pregnancy are much lower than when the semen is deposited directly 
inside or on the vagina, but the risk cannot be dismissed.

Can a girl get pregnant by swallowing semen?

If a girl swallows cum...can she get pregnant? Please answer this quickly. 

Swallowing the semen does not make a woman pregnant.

Pregnancy without going all the way?

Can I get pregnant without going all the way? 

Petting (kissing, hugging, and caressing) does not cause pregnancy. But 
the chances of pregnancy are real, if there is genital contact and 
semen ejaculated on or near the vaginal opening, on a day close 
to ovulation. The spermatozoa have an amazing capability to swim 
their way up into the uterus through vagina.

Can I get pregnant from pre-cum?

Can I get pregnant from pre-cum? and how long should I be worried about being pregnant if I dont have my period for 2 weeks? 

When a guy has that clear discharge stuff that comes out before he cums? Well....can that make a girl pregnant? I have heard it cann't and 
I have heard it can. 

Yes, it is possible to get pregnant from pre-cum (a slang word for the 
drops of pre-ejaculatory secretions that come out of the penis in 
response to sexual stimulation) as this may contain sperms remaining 
in the ducts following a previous ejaculation. 

However, for pregnancy to occur in such a situation, both the man and women should be highly fertile and the exposure of that fluid to the female genitalia should occur close to the ovulation day. You may wish to know that there are recorded cases of women who became pregnant this way. 

If you have had a sexual encounter which you suspect could lead to pregnancy, get tested as soon after 7 days from the ovulation day, as possible. There are sensitive test kits such as those based on ELISA principle, which can detect pregnancy at least a week before your period is 
due. And if you miss a period get tested within the next week itself.

Can I get pregnant from anal sex?

Q: I am 18 and had anal sex with my boyfriend. I am wondering if I could get pregnant from that. If I can, I would like to know what the chances are. We are generally careful to make sure when it comes back out that it stays away from my vaginal opening. The only time I could think that it could get near the opening is when I am cleaning myself up afterwards. I missed my period this last month, that is why I am so scared. I have never had actual intercourse, that’s why I would be destroyed if I got pregnant. I am really scared and don’t know what to do. I am just looking for answers. A response as soon as possible would be greatly appreciated. I can’t sleep.

Please get tested for pregnancy. You can do the test yourself with certain kits available in drug stores. Anal sex too can cause pregnancy because the semen can seep from the anus and spread up to and into the vaginal canal. Even if you wipe it out you still run the risk because the spermatozoa, invisible to naked eye, are capable of swimming their way up to the vagina through the moisture contact between vulva and anus.

Pre-cum touched the outside of vagina. Chances of Pregnancy?

Q: Finally someone who can help me!!! Well recently me and my girlfriend were fooling around and there is a possibility that some pre-ejaculate may have touched the outside of her vagina, it was during the time of her period and I was just wondering if there is a possibility of pregnancy. If so what are the odds?

Q: if there was a small amount of sperm on my hand, and i inserted it into the girl's vagina a little time after ejaculation, could she become pregnant?

Ans: Yes, if all other factors favour it.

He didn't go in all the way!

Q: i may sound stupid but i was wondering if i could get pregnant by a guy if we had sex around the time of my period. He didn't even go in all the way or get off like squirt nething and we used a condom. it has been like racking my head and i just wanna know if it is possible. write back ASAP. thanx

You need not worry about chances of pregnancy because your b/f has not ejaculated, he was wearing a condom and it happenned to be your periods when you had sex. With these three factors in operation, the odds of pregnancy are practically nil.

But, please remember that, the penis not going all the way into the vagina is no protection against pregnancy.

Similarly, sex during menses does not lead to pregnancy, but there are circumstances when people mistook the inter-menstrual bleeding for menses. The former is associated with ovulation; sex during that bleeding/spotting episode can lead to pregnancy.

unprotected sex but no fluids

Q: hi, i had sex the other day unprotected and what are the chances of me being or getting pregnant if he said he didn't release any fluids. Please answer. its really important.

Well, there is no way to tell that he has not released ANY fluids. He could only say about release of semen. But the pre-ejaculatory fluid (pre-cum), which comes out involuntarily, carries some spermatozoa and that much chance of pregnancy. Unprotected sex always carries a risk of pregnancy and STIs. Safety first, thrill next!

Masturbating with semen on hand

Q: My husband always likes to try new things when we are in bed and that does not bother me but one of his new things is... He likes to ejaculate in my hand and watch me masturbate with that hand. He says that once the sperm hits the air it dies and I cannot get pregnant by doing this. Is this true?

No, the spermatozoa will be alive and swimming as long as the film of semen is wet on your hands. If you do not want pregnancy, avoid this technique, or apply a spermicidal jelly to your hands and inside your vagina before using your husband's new technique.

Condoms offer protection, but not fool-proof

Q: i am a 16 year old girl and want 2 know whether there is any danger to me, my body and my growth if i have sex with my boyfren. he is quite anxious to have it. even i am ready 4 it but i am afraid of its consequenses . he says that there is very little danger of pregnancy if we use a condom .frankly telling u even i would like 2 have sex if there is very little risk. my bf says that iam more curious about it when we touch each other & thats absolutely true .i am really curious about sex.plz help me &tell me if i can have it now & also provide me names of few sites which give good 1st hand information about sex 2 1st timers thank you very much urs faithfully . ts.

Ans: Sex always thrilled millions of youngsters like you, but has left millions of young unmarried girls with unwanted pregnancy, premarital motherhood, sexual diseases including HIV, psychological and physical trauma and social problems associated with all these. All these unfortunate young people burnt their fingers out of an overwhelming curiosity, irresistible temptation, and lack of proper awareness about safer sex. So please think twice before indulging in any sort of sexual activity at this age. In any case learn more about safer sex practices.

Condoms do offer protection against pregnancy but they are not fool proof. There is a 10-30% risk of pregnancy if the condom is not properly used - for ex., if it is worn in such a way making it easily prone to rupture; if the penis is not withdrawn along with the condom held firmly to the penis, soon after ejaculation i.e., while the penis is still hard; if the same condom is used repeatedly, or after the date of expiry, and so on. (use condom properly to get best protection).

Condom was broken half way through

Q: I had sex last night with my boyfriend. we had only been doing it for about 1 minute when we realized that the condom was broken. he didn't ejaculate yet, but it is possible to get pregnant from precum. After, he used a spermicidally lubricated condom on his fingers and inserted them into me. We did this twice. What else should we do to avoid pregnancy? thankyou

These self help tricks don't always work because nature has provided the spermatozoa with an amazing capability of speeding their way into the womb and the tubes. In persons whose fertility scores are very high this alone can lead to pregnancy if the woman is ovulating around the same time.

If you cannot avoid participating in sex at this time, you may wish to combine two methods of contraception, preferably a condom + some spermicidal jelly. The first would protect you from sexually transmissible infections, as well as unwanted pregnancy, and the other acts as an additional protection against conception, in case the condom fails.

Half inserted penis has cum on it.

I'm a 14 yr old female and i was wondering if a boy had cum on his penis and he only stuck it in half way is there a way to get pregnant?

Very well, yes! Please look at the answers above.

Pulling out is no good

i'm 18 and recently, 5 days before my period is supposed to begin, my fiance and i were having sex. he ejaculated in me, it was his first time. but now i'm scared i could be pregnant, it is now 2 days before my period is suposed to begin, but no sign of it. i've had cramps for about a week, this never happens before my period. i normally don't cramp until i start. we have a very active sex life and don't always use protection, but he normally pulls out. so are my chances of being pregnant really big? should i get tested now or wait a few days and see if i start? thanks!

Since you had unprotected sex 5 days before your periods are due - and since your menstrual cycle is regular and predictable - it is less likely that you become pregnant from this sexual encounter. About a week days before the due date are 'safe'.

About the other point you mentioned - "he normally pulls out" - this is not totally safe, because his pre-coital secretions (pre-cum) may contain a few sperms; secondly, occasionally he may ejaculate even before he could fully withdraw the penis. It's much better if you could use Today vaginal suppositories (tablet-like things), every time you participate in intercourse. You have to insert one tablet deep into your vagina, for every act of coitus.

Wiping doesn't help

My girlfriend and I were messing around and I came two or three times. A few minutes later after wiping my cum off my penis, I stuck it in for a few seconds, but there was probably precum. She had her period almost a week ago. What are the chances of her getting pregnant? .......Please write back ASAP..... thanks a lot

Well, I am afraid you are giving terrible risk to your g/f.. What you presume is not pre-cum, it is the last few drops of the cum itself. It contains several times more spermatozoa than pre-cum, and since you have stuck yours in, you are delivering these cunning swimmers (spermatozoa) much nearer to their goal. And if all this happens a few more days away from her day of menstruation (approximately between 8th and 18th day of her period) you have a fairly good chance of making her pregnant. Your g/f certainly will not want you to do this to her. Won't you think of using condoms, please?

How long should I wait before letting her take a pregnancy test? Thanks again!

Ask her to take an ELISA based test a week before her period is due. A less sensitive test can be taken as soon as she misses the period.

Rubbing on the vagina but not ejaculating CAN cause pregnancy.

Please help me and write me back with an answer to my question. Well, my boyfriend and I have never really had sex but i have missed my period twice now and I don't know what to think of this. From what I know of, he hasn't ejaculated by my vagina. I am so worried that I am pregnant even though there is a very slim chance I am. Can you please tell me if him rubbing his penis by my vagina but not ejaculating at all would cause me to become pregnant. Also, i would like to know why i have missed. Please write back because I am very nervous. Thank You.

A: Occasionally a period may miss for reasons beyond our comprehension. Stress and anxiety, fluctuations in hormone balance, change in place (shifting from home to hostel) change in dietary habits etc. are implicated.

As to your most worrying question - rubbing the penis against vaginal orifice CAN cause pregnancy but VERY RARELY. The reason is that the pre-cum contains a few spermatozoa and in highly fertile couples these are capable of penetrating into the vagina, the uterus and the tubes and fertilize the egg, if one is waiting there. All this will happen if the sexual activity took place around the day of ovulation (egg release). The odds for all these factors to synchronize are few, but no one can predict. That is why safer sex practices are repeatedly advocated.

I expect that your period will show very soon. Meanwhile, buy a do-it-yourself pregnancy kit, test your urine sample for pregnancy and hopefully, sigh with a relief. I trust you will be able protect yourself from these avoidable worries hereafter.





  can occur -

From pre-ejaculation fluid ('pre-cum');

If condom breaks during sexual intercourse;

Even if the condom is used but not properly;

Through unprotected anal sex, if the semen spills or seeps into vagina;

Even if the penis did not go all the way into the vagina, but ejaculation took place on or near the vulva;

Even if the penis is not hard enough

If semen ejaculated on the clothes wets the vulva of the female.

Through sex in what may seem to be periods (menses) under certain circumstances.


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